On Sunday evening, the President signed the ‘Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021’ providing the next round of government funding and coronavirus relief for millions of Americans.
The President promised to return a ‘red-lined’ version of the bill and a formal rescission request that certain items be removed from the legislation. Congress is not required to comply with the request since the bill has already been signed without modifications. However, the House of Representatives will vote this week on an amendment to the bill which would increase stimulus payments from $600 to $2000 per individual.
The spending package contains several provisions related to the healthcare industry, including surprise billing legislation and a provision to mitigate Medicare Physician Fee Schedule cuts starting January 1st, 2021. For our summary of the bill, CLICK HERE.
As always, ADVOCATE will continue to keep you informed on the issues impacting medical groups as they develop.
Kayley Jaquet
Manager, Regulatory Affairs